Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Where I Meet You

You are the one that I meet in the sacred places ---
In the cool shaded woods where ancient pillars have erupted from the earth,
And singular notes from bird's song echo as if in a hallowed cathedral,
And the soft sweeping sound of a brook's dancing 
Over stones can be heard as an eternal whisper;
Under a wondrous night sky where infinity could not be better explained
Than in the silent staring back
Of thousands of eyes that have long since closed 
Before our beginning;
Within the cavernous wombs of vaulted ceilings holding ---
And nearly bursting from --- 
The limitless words poured forth in hushed petitions and shouts of praise
To that which still remains unknown;
In a flock of starlings at twilight, moving together as one heaving, breathing,
Miraculous organism;
Between the lines of a poem that read like a prayer;
Within the notes of a song that seems to have always existed inside of me;
In the rooms of the dying and the tombs of the dead
With air hanging heavy from all that remains
You are the one with whom I can exist in the spaces without words.
But you are not to be encountered in the everyday of living ---
The morning routine of awakening,
The preparations made for the predictable day ahead,
The simplistic reporting of what we experienced when out of each others' sight . . .
Your body I will never know in the act of
Folding & enfolding
Of skin together in a playful dance.
Yet when I stand in the space where time stands still
And stillness falls over me like water,
Where the infinite becomes visible amongst the finite objects
Of our existence,
And I can do nothing but do nothing
And breathe . . .
I can say with clear knowing:
You are here  
You are here. 

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