Wednesday, March 27, 2019


Because I was tired from a long day
Because your dad died
Because I had only just discovered my grandmother was dying
Because the energy from yet another one of his emails was too much
Because fluctuations in hormones are a thing
(Google it)
Because absence may not always make the heart grow fonder
Because finding someone as available as you was 
in all the subconscious ways
Because maybe you were so used to being mistreated
that I scared you too with my
emotional softness
Because swipe culture
Because us both being empaths meant we absorbed each others efforts 
to be ok when 
maybe we weren't
Because the dancing didn't move our souls
Because maybe you never fully outgrew the schoolboy belief that
chemistry is about big reactions
instead of noticing 
the slow, subtle changes of molecules dancing and bonding to form 
something new
Because maybe we opened up too quickly and devoured too readily 
that not much else was left 
to be discovered
Because I felt it as soon as I tried to hold you close
Because I knew immediately after our lips met for the last time 
that it was the last time...
I'll never fully understand why...

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